Urban Health Science Initiative, Inc.

Providing and researching novel scientific solutions to chronic health problems

Sadeaqua Scott, PhD
Founder and CEO, Urban Health Science Initiative, Inc.
Dr. Sadeaqua Scott is a scientist with her Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology. She obtained her Ph.D. at SUNY (State University of New York) Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn NY, which is a university hospital located directly across the street from Kings County Hospital where she was born. Dr. Scott has over 14 years of experience in conducting research in environmental, entomology, genetic, HIV and cancer research laboratories. In addition, she has two years of experience in running a cancer research laboratory. Her dissertation was on the topic of multiple myeloma (a cancer of the bone marrow) which predominately affects people of African descent. In particular, she sought to determine the etiology of this disease through investigating the cellular microenvironment and the presence of cancer stem cells. Since completing her dissertation she has conducted research on the various environmental factors that influence the health of persons of African descent and how these factors can be utilized or eliminated to improve the cellular microenvironment and inhibit disease progression.
Dr. Scott has extensive experience in working with and for not-for-profit organizations whose agenda is to improve the opportunities available to underserved communities. While attending Boys and Girls High School in Brooklyn, NY, she was accepted into the Arthur Ashe Institute for Urban Health's Health Science Academy and later continued to work behind the scenes of this program as a college intern. Dr. Scott recently worked with Essence Magazine Editor-in-Chief emeritus, Susan L. Taylor and a team of experts on the curriculum development for her not-for-profit organization, The Risings.